The State of Sales Compensation Careers 2023
From an industry wide survey of Sales Compensation professionals, this report will give you details into

Supercharge your sales compensation career with exclusive industry insights and advice from the pros
Sales Compensation is one of the most key functions in any business. It plays a key role in keeping payees motivated and driving the behaviors that the CXOs want to drive. But despite this, sales compensation is often undervalued and underappreciated in most organizations.
Why? Because Sales Comp professionals are often caught in a loop of transactional work, meaning they aren’t able to fulfill their potential for strategic value.
Through this industry-wide survey, and with discussions with professionals who’ve done it all, this survey report delves deep into the state of sales compensation careers, and comes with an attached sales compensation maturity model questionnaire that will give you customized, actionable tips that you can immediately implement for YOUR career.
Supercharge your career today!